مدونة عن التبادل لطلاب بين طلاب فلسطين وطلاب بريطانيا مشروع معا 2013 ومشروع اولمبياد كادفا الشتوية 2014 والتي نظمتها جمعية صداقة كامدن ابوديس بتمويل جزئي من اليوث إن آكشن، نتقدم بالشكر الجزيل للأصدقاء في توأمة بندل بيت ليد ومؤسسة إنتربال وللعديد العديد من الأصدقاء الذين ساهموا في التبرع وجمع التمويل من خلال تنظيم الفعاليات واللقاءات العامة للتحضير للمشروع.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Last day at Coldwell!

The past two days have felt like a whirlwind of emotion, information and exchange. Initial feelings of nerves and unexpectedness were quickly diminished by the warm spirit of both the Palestinian and British students. It is incredible how quickly relationships can form based upon respect and compassion for each other. I dare say we have become like one big family! Coldwell has been a great location to form these relationships (mainly because the nearest form of civilization is 3 or 4 miles away - our neighbours are sheep!)

I have learnt so much about the students that is impossible to gain when reading a book or on the internet. We have learnt all about our differences, but most importantly our similarities. We are all here for the same  reasons, whether this is to create the website, promote awareness or simply to enjoy each others company.

Today we have visited many different projects across the district, from young people to being live on air at the local radio station!

Many people we spoke to had no idea about the conflict or even where Palestine was. We were pleased to tell them about the situation and this resulted in them, understandably wanting to know lots more! 

Tomorrow we leave for London,


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