مدونة عن التبادل لطلاب بين طلاب فلسطين وطلاب بريطانيا مشروع معا 2013 ومشروع اولمبياد كادفا الشتوية 2014 والتي نظمتها جمعية صداقة كامدن ابوديس بتمويل جزئي من اليوث إن آكشن، نتقدم بالشكر الجزيل للأصدقاء في توأمة بندل بيت ليد ومؤسسة إنتربال وللعديد العديد من الأصدقاء الذين ساهموا في التبرع وجمع التمويل من خلال تنظيم الفعاليات واللقاءات العامة للتحضير للمشروع.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Sudden break in the blog! | PROJECT SUMMARY

The student visit was a great success EXCEPT THAT THE GAZA STUDENTS COULD NOT COME. This affected all of us all the time and we still hope to see them here sometime.

We were so busy that we did not get things on the blog in time - this will now happen.

In the meantime, here is the project summary....

CADFA Winter Olympics was one of a series of exchanges organised by Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association with Dar Assadaqa, Abu Dis in order to support student twinning initiatives by creating an opportunity for university students from Britain and Palestine to meet, learn about each other’s lives and take part in joint activity.    This cultural exchange focused on sports.
 In January 2014, eight Palestinian university students from the West Bank (half men, half women) and a leader travelled to the UK for ten days during which they shared activities including sports training and friendly sports contests with students from UK.  The plan was to bring a bigger group, half of them from Gaza, and the first day or two of the exchange was taken up with anticipation, hope and disappointment because, although equipped with visas and ready to come, they were unable to travel through the border at Rafah into Egypt or get to the UK for this project.
Before the exchange the students in Palestine and in Britain will plan a special day of activities focusing on university students’ lives in their own country. They prepared pictures and presentations, food, joint activity and entertainment to show the other group as part of a residential programme. Our project blog shows the Gaza group in preparation – and also gives evidence that we were worried about the change in the political climate since the project application was put in. At that point, it would have been possible for the Gazan students to travel. We mounted a campaign to try to get them to travel but unfortunately this was not possible.
At the beginning of the exchange visit, the group stayed together in an outdoor centre in the Peak District. This  allowed time to run the 'British Day' and 'Palestinian Day' that the groups had previously organised. There were outdoor activities and sports as well as indoor discussions and activities. Students looked at the products of previous CADFA student exchanges –  the book made by ‘Look at Our Lives’ (2011) and the website made by 'Ma’an: Students Together’ (2013).

On the third day, students travelled in small groups to different northern universities, where they  met more students, took part in sporting activities and were able to make a comparison of university life in both countries. Before they left the Peak District, they reviewed what they had learned and prepared for the main part of the project.
They then travelled to London where they met students from a number of universities that had been involved in our previous visits. They  visited different campuses and learned about students’ lives and had the opportunity to take part in different sports together. They visited London’s tourist attractions with other students and did a tour of the Emirates Stadium.  . On the day before last there was a day in a local sports centre dedicated to sport – this was the final event of our ‘CADFA Winter Olympics’.  
The final project day included a student twinning workshop at University College London, a football event and a celebration of the project including food, presentations and thanks to everyone involved.
Following the event, participants have been asked to organise a feedback events at their own universities and to contribute photos/ video and reports of these to the project blog. This is in order to build and strengthen twinning links between student unions in Palestine and Britain and to gather ideas for future projects.

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